Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin."

You know, I was folding towels a few minutes ago. Aw, the bliss of that fresh laundry smell and the humid warmth of the thick terry cloth fresh from the dryer. And then to fold them the way that they are supposed to be folded, the way that my mother taught me. I thoroughly enjoy folding laundry. My favorites are towels and sheets, I am especially partial to fitted sheets. Something about getting them in a neat rectangle makes me feel so accomplished, probably because I couldn't do it when I was twelve.

Yet as I was folding the blessed laundry, I was upset about this last week. I was particularly frustrated with myself. I have had to make a gazillion apologies and requests for forgiveness in the last week and come morning I will be making another one. Not only was I frustrated with my relational shortcomings, but also with my lack of faith. Why do I even ask God 'why?' God does not deserve a why from me. He deserves childlike obedience and faith, I should joyfully let Him lead me and be the Spirit filled person I am. As I thought about these things, as I prayed, and as I picked up the towels, I looked up and saw one of my dad's recent VBS props. It was a fishing pole with a big construction paper heart on it, with the text "God is fishing for your heart." Yes, in all these things, my selfishness, discouragement, frustration-my sin, God is fishing for my heart. He wants it all and there, so often tangible, is my blaring and ever present need for my Savior.

Lord, how often I see myself in Israel. You over and over again show Yourself faithful, yet I fail to follow You in faith. O You are Lord, and I am Your servant. Lord, I ask for faith to trust You more, may I love You more in light of Your great mercy. Lord, may I serve You with a whole heart and walk in Your ways. Thank You for circumcising my heart, for canceling the written code that was against me and that stood opposed to me. I praise You for nailing it to the cross and disarming the powers of this world. O Lord, how faithful and just You are! I seek You, continue this work You have begun. I seek You, I seek Your holiness. Thank You for Your great love for though I am but a least one, You love me still.