Monday, August 20, 2012

a delightful, tear inducing day

Today was a wonderful day.

I sat next to my baby brother during church.
I had the joy of seeing a dear sister be baptized.
I got to help plan a NavNite! :)
I celebrated my cousin's birthday with him.
I conversed with my dear friend about her upcoming wedding, which apparently I will be singing in!
I also got a pair of jeans for free and prayed with Alicia.
And prayed Isaiah 54:2-3 most of the day.

AND the brother seems to be taking to memorizing Bible verses with me!!!

Teach him your way, O Lord, and he will walk in Your Truth; give him an undivided heart that he may fear Your name. Hallelujah, You are so good. You are faithful! My eyes are on You.

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