Thursday, December 15, 2011

I love being a whimsy

Today was full of fun for a whimsy like me. 
I will share with you a few of the whimsical things that I documented.

I painted this for my aunt to give as a gift.

I also added some festive frills to the front door.

I spray painted a different project...
one that allowed me to use a drill gun.

AND look who is here! It's Lauran Hellen.
She is like strawberry ice cream on a Blythe, summer day.
God is good! I am so thankful to be made in His image. I am thankful that we are free to delight in creation and that in that delight we can worship our Creator. Tonight as I was walking in, I looked up and the sky was so clear. The recent rain fall has allowed some of the smog to settle and the stars twinkled ever so beautifully. Day after day they pour forth speech, there is no language where their voice is not heard. Yes, the heavens and all creation declare that God is glorious! He is awesome in splendor and full of power and might!

fyi- a whimsy is one who is playfully quaint
fyii- quaint is being attractively unusual or old fashioned

Good night! Lauran sends her love too!

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